The Nutritional Benefits of Pasture-Raised Chicken

Discover the incredible nutritional benefits of pasture-raised chicken for your health. This protein-rich meat is packed with omega-3s, CLA, vitamins, and minerals that support overall wellbeing. Learn why choosing pasture-raised is better for you, the animals, and the planet!

Sep 23, 2024 - 10:20
The Nutritional Benefits of Pasture-Raised Chicken
The Nutritional Benefits of Pasture-Raised Chicken

Pasture-raised chicken has gained popularity in recent years as consumers become more health-conscious and interested in sustainable farming practices. But what exactly makes pasture-raised chicken a superior choice compared to conventionally raised poultry? This article will explore the numerous nutritional benefits that pasture-raised chicken offers for overall health and wellbeing.

Higher in Beneficial Nutrients

One of the most significant advantages of pasture-raised chicken is its superior nutrient profile. Chickens that are allowed to roam freely on pasture and forage for insects, seeds, and vegetation end up with meat that is richer in several key nutrients:

  • Omega-3 fatty acids: Pasture-raised chicken contains up to 50% more omega-3s compared to conventional chicken1. Omega-3s are essential for heart, brain, and eye health. They help lower inflammation in the body and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases like heart disease, cancer, and arthritis2.

  • Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA): Levels of this beneficial fat are 3-5 times higher in pasture-raised chicken3. CLA has been shown to have anti-cancer properties, help reduce body fat, and improve immune function4.

  • Vitamins and minerals: Pasture-raised chicken tends to be higher in vitamin A, vitamin E, and iron compared to conventionally raised birds56. Vitamin A is crucial for vision, immune health, and reproduction. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that protects cells from damage. Iron is essential for carrying oxygen in the blood.

The superior nutrient density of pasture-raised chicken can be attributed to the birds' diverse, natural diet and active lifestyle outdoors. In contrast, conventionally raised chickens are typically confined indoors and fed a grain-based diet high in omega-6 fatty acids, which can promote inflammation when consumed in excess7.

Lower in Unwanted Substances

Not only does pasture-raised chicken contain more of the good stuff, it also tends to have lower levels of undesirable substances often found in conventional poultry:

  • Antibiotics: Many large-scale poultry operations routinely give antibiotics to their birds to prevent disease and promote growth. This practice contributes to the rise of antibiotic-resistant bacteria that threaten human health. Pasture-raised chickens generally do not receive antibiotics, as they are less susceptible to illness due to their healthier living conditions8.

  • Synthetic hormones: Although the use of hormones is not legally permitted in poultry production in the UK9, some consumers still prefer to eat pasture-raised chicken to avoid any potential exposure. Pasture-based farms typically prioritize natural, hormone-free methods of raising their birds.

  • Pesticides and herbicides: The grains and soy used in conventional poultry feed are often grown with the use of synthetic pesticides and herbicides, which can accumulate in the birds' tissues. Pasture-raised chickens that forage for much of their own food are less likely to be exposed to these chemicals10.

Choosing pasture-raised chicken is an excellent way to minimize your intake of these potentially harmful substances while maximizing the nutritional quality of your food.

Better for Animal Welfare and the Environment

In addition to the nutritional advantages for consumers, pasture-raised chicken production offers significant benefits for animal welfare and environmental sustainability.

Pasture-raised chickens are able to engage in natural behaviors like foraging, dust bathing, and socializing with other birds. This freedom to express their instincts leads to lower stress levels and better overall health compared to chickens raised in confinement11.

Raising chickens on pasture can also have regenerative effects on the land. The birds' manure acts as a natural fertilizer, improving soil health and biodiversity. Properly managed pasture-based systems can sequester carbon, reduce erosion, and enhance water retention12. Supporting pasture-raised chicken production means investing in a more humane and ecologically sound food system.

How to Incorporate Pasture-Raised Chicken into Your Diet

Convinced of the benefits but not sure where to start? Here are some tips for adding more pasture-raised chicken to your meals:

  1. Look for certified pasture-raised labels: Organizations like the Pasture for Life Association and Certified Humane offer third-party certification programs for pasture-raised animal products1314. Choosing certified products ensures that the chickens were raised according to high animal welfare standards.

  1. Shop at farmers markets and local farms: Many small-scale, pasture-based farms sell their products directly to consumers at farmers markets or through on-farm stores. Shopping locally allows you to ask questions about how the chickens were raised and form a connection with your food producers.

  1. Experiment with different cuts and recipes: Pasture-raised chicken is incredibly versatile and can be used in a wide variety of dishes. Try roasting a whole bird, grilling chicken kebabs, or using ground chicken in tacos or meatballs. Don't forget to save the bones to make nourishing broth!

  1. Be willing to pay a bit more: Pasture-raised chicken does tend to cost more than conventional poultry due to the higher production costs involved. However, many people find that the superior taste and nutritional quality are worth the extra investment. Buying in bulk or purchasing whole birds can help make pasture-raised chicken more affordable.

Incorporating more pasture-raised chicken into your diet is a simple yet powerful way to support your health, animal welfare, and sustainable food production. By voting with your food dollars, you can help create a more resilient and regenerative agricultural system for generations to come.


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