The Power of Quantum Reiki: How to Send Healing Energy Backwards in Time

What if you could send healing energy backwards in time? Quantum Reiki is revolutionizing the way we approach energy healing, allowing us to access the power of intention beyond the limits of space and time.

Sep 28, 2024 - 12:48
The Power of Quantum Reiki: How to Send Healing Energy Backwards in Time
The Power of Quantum Reiki: How to Send Healing Energy Backwards in Time

Reiki is an ancient Japanese healing technique that harnesses universal life force energy to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. While traditional Reiki is already a powerful healing modality, a new form called Quantum Reiki takes it to the next level by incorporating principles from quantum physics. One of the most intriguing aspects of Quantum Reiki is the ability to send healing energy not just across space, but also backwards in time. In this article, we'll explore the science and spirituality behind this fascinating phenomenon.

What is Quantum Reiki?

Quantum Reiki is a modern evolution of traditional Usui Reiki that integrates concepts from quantum mechanics, the study of the behavior of matter and energy at the atomic and subatomic levels. According to quantum theory, particles can exist in multiple states and locations simultaneously, and can even affect each other instantaneously across vast distances, a property known as quantum entanglement12.

Quantum Reiki practitioners believe that this interconnectedness extends to the realm of consciousness and energy healing. By tapping into the quantum field, they can access a higher dimension of healing that transcends the limitations of space and time1.

The Science Behind Sending Energy Backwards in Time

The idea of sending energy backwards in time may sound like science fiction, but there is actually some scientific basis for it. In quantum mechanics, the concept of retrocausality suggests that an effect can occur before its cause3. Experiments have shown that particles can seemingly communicate backwards in time, with future events influencing past outcomes4.

Some scientists propose that consciousness itself may operate outside the bounds of linear time. The respected physicist Roger Penrose has suggested that quantum processes in the brain give rise to consciousness, and that this quantum consciousness can exist in a timeless, nonlocal state5.

If our thoughts and intentions can indeed transcend time, then it stands to reason that healing energy directed by consciousness could also be sent to the past. As Quantum Reiki master Jillian Fleer explains, "In Quantum Reiki, we're working with timeless, spaceless quantum energy. That means the healing can be sent forwards or backwards in time, wherever it's needed most."6

How to Send Quantum Reiki Backwards in Time

Quantum Reiki practitioners use specific symbols and techniques to direct healing energy through time and space. One of the key symbols for this is the Distance Healing Symbol, also known as Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen7. By visualizing this symbol and setting an intention to send the healing to a specific point in the past, practitioners can direct the energy to wherever and whenever it's needed.

Here's a simple process you can use to send Quantum Reiki backwards in time68:

  1. Quiet your mind and set a clear intention for the healing. Visualize the person and situation you want to send the energy to, and see them surrounded by healing light.

  1. Draw or visualize the Distance Healing Symbol, Hon Sha Ze Sho Nen. Imagine this symbol acting as a bridge through time, connecting you to the past event.

  1. Visualize a beautiful golden light flowing from your hands, through the symbol, and into the past, completely surrounding and infusing the person and situation.

  1. Affirm mentally that the healing is done, expressing gratitude for the energy and the change that has occurred. Trust that the healing has been received at the perfect time.

  1. Gently release the visualization and symbol, and close the session as you normally would.

With practice, sending Quantum Reiki backwards in time can become a natural and intuitive process. Many practitioners report profound shifts and healings using this technique, for themselves and their clients.

Applications for Sending Reiki to the Past

Sending Quantum Reiki backwards in time has numerous potential applications, from healing past traumas to changing negative behavior patterns. Some of the ways this technique is commonly used include68:

  • Healing childhood wounds and traumas
  • Clearing family karma and ancestral patterns
  • Sending healing to past relationships or situations
  • Rewriting limiting beliefs and thought patterns
  • Supporting past events such as surgeries or accidents
  • Infusing positive energy into past decisions and turning points

By directing healing light to these past experiences, we can shift the energy and emotions around them, allowing for greater peace, forgiveness, and forward momentum in the present.

Integrating Quantum Reiki into Your Practice

Whether you're an experienced Reiki practitioner or new to energy healing, Quantum Reiki offers a powerful set of tools for expanding your practice. To learn more, seek out a qualified Quantum Reiki teacher or consider taking a workshop or online course.

As with any form of energy healing, it's important to practice Quantum Reiki with clear intention, integrity, and respect for the client's free will. Always ask permission before sending healing energy, and trust that it will be received in alignment with the highest good.

With an open mind and heart, Quantum Reiki can be a profound pathway for healing and transformation, not just for yourself but for the collective consciousness across all time. As we each clear the shadows of our past, we contribute to a brighter future for all.


The power to send healing energy backwards in time is a revolutionary concept that challenges our linear notions of cause and effect. By tapping into the timeless, nonlocal realm of quantum consciousness, Quantum Reiki practitioners can access a profound level of healing that ripples out across the space-time continuum.

While the science behind this phenomenon is still emerging, the experiences of countless healers and clients suggest that sending Reiki to the past is not only possible, but can facilitate deep transformation and peace. As we continue to explore the frontiers of energy medicine, Quantum Reiki stands at the forefront, inviting us to expand our understanding of what's possible and embrace our power as multidimensional beings. With each healing we send backwards in time, we are literally rewriting history, one quantum leap at a time.


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